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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You're Under Arrest For Speed-Eating!

Slow down!! No one is going to take your food away from you...

Granted, we live in a chaotic world where everyone seems to rush through their day. I strongly feel that there is no sense in rushing through our pleasures in life, especially food, and I want to encourage you to savor every bite.

As soon as a “speed-eater” sits down to eat, they usually have other things going on in their mind. Whether it's a television show that's or a personal or work related issue that is occupying their mind, the risk of over-eating is among them.

In addition, eating too fast can lead to more stress in your life, including weight gain.

Jennifer Warner, a writer for stated that “eating slowly may help overweight people lose weight after all,” according to a new study.

The study proved that people who are overweight consumed less when they ate at a slower pace.

Studies show that by eating slower your calorie intake is less, because you eat less food. In a similar study on our brains take approximately 20 minutes to realize that we are full. By eating slower we can avoid over-eating.

So let’s all just take a minute, enjoy some healthy food, and let our brain catch up with our tummy.

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