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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Here's to a Healthy Valentine's Day: Eat Smart Sweets!

Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day and chocolate go hand-in-hand, and if you love chocolate like I do, then it is going to be quite impossible to avoid it today.

Before you decide to open that lovely heart-box of chocolates consider the incredible benefits of dark chocolate.

When eaten in moderation, dark chocolate is a satisfying pleasure which offers nutritional value.

According to Mauro Serafini, Ph.D., it can lower blood pressure and is a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances which help to protect cells from free radicals. Free radicals are destructive molecules that are associated in heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses.

Moreover, the darker the chocolate the richer it is in cocoa phenols. These are the compounds that aid in the process of lowering blood pressure and increasing beneficial antioxidants.

With that said, you can enjoy your Valentine’s Day with a small indulgence of dark chocolate with no regrets on-the-side, and still maintain a balanced diet.

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