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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Curb Your Cravings

According to the “Health Handbook” section of Glamour magazine Keri Glassman, R.D., a New York nutritionist shared her research on our nagging little cravings.

You know those spontaneous desires you have for cookie dough or chocolate fudge ice cream? Or how about french fries or fried chicken?

Glassman says, when you find yourself having cravings such as these, “your body may be trying to tell you something about your diet.”

Here are some cravings we all can relate with, and the reason behind them while attempting a diet plan…

Salty or greasy foods:
When our bodies desire these types of foods, it may be our body telling us that we are relatively dehydrated. “Salt holds water in,” says Glassman. “Your body may be trying to hang onto the fluids it’s got.” It is recommended to be sure to consume as much water as you can.

Candy or chocolate:
Before you give in to the sweet indulgence of these treats, consider the fact that your body may really need protein. Since protein slowly releases energy, without the nutrient your body will call out for a “quick-fix” to increase your blood sugar instead. In a situation like this, enjoy a serving of yogurt. With this, you can satisfy your sweet-tooth and add 24 percent of your body’s daily protein.

Pasta, bread, or rice:
When you find yourself craving these carbohydrates this may mean that you are simply not eating a well-balanced diet. Try to keep track of what you eat throughout the day in a diet-diary, and aim for a minimum of 1,200 calories a day.

For more tips on curbing your cravings go here.

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